Friday, June 29, 2012

Dark Angels Command Squad WIP

Here's a command squad I've been working on for my dark angels. I've tried to do some directional highlighting and given them extra attention than I would normally spend on troop type units. Some of the poses have been inspired heavily from the space marine 3rd person shooter game. I was experimenting with the army painter in the game as the ability to test colors is truly more worthwhile than the game itself. The banner dark angels emblem was first penciled in with a draftsman's mechanical pencil and then painted over. Not truly a freehand as I still lack the confidence. This will be cleaned up later. Anyhow, most of the primary colors have been applied. Details & basing will be followed after. Thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dark Angels - 40k 6th edition ready

There's a certain complexity of painting tactical marines which I dread. Not that its hard but just very very repetitive and all of them need the same treatment to look uniformed. I finally finished basing the models and painting the gold emblems on the bolters. The larger stones on the base are actually foam board bits. I ran out of stones and realized foam boards broken down make pretty believable concrete bits... Below are a few of my favorite ones. I've tried to make them life-like by tilting the head angles to create a stronger dynamic sense in their poses. Thanks for viewing!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dark Angels for 6th edition

I've been focusing heavily on my Dark Angels for 6th edition and the upcoming codex. These marines are over 11 years old and some of the first minis I've painted seriously. Since then they've been repainted 4 times as I improve my technique.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Terminator Librarian WIP

Trying to make a librarian before the 6th release. I do have a plan to make a librarian in power armor conversion,but I think I don't have much time to get it done right on time. So, I just do a little bit conversion from the space hulk librarian and trying to build as much basic unit for my SM as I can before the big day! (Also my librarian preview)


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chaos Warhound Titan

All but finished... again, apologies for the blurry pics and the lack of illumination. Flash is too bright and non-flash is too dark :S

Saturday, June 23, 2012

There is only war!!

It's here.... Cool YouTube video on the GW site w/ some glimpse of content! Hull-points is definitely in, so is allies. Let's hope FA gets them soon...... 

edit: link added

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Even MORE leaks

More stuff from the white dwarf dreadnoughts have the Hammer of Wrath rule when they charge.

Grenades can be thrown two seperate instances they mention this frag and krak. One example was a space marine captain throwing a krak grenade to finish off an Ork truck Sweet!!!!

There is look out special rule one example says that a nob leading orks only got a 4+ due to not being an independent character. I suppose that ind characters will get a 2+ rule let's you transfer wounds to another model helpfully for keeping upgrade sergeants nobs etc alive.

Flyers hit each other on normal ballistic skill

Flyers must be in hover mode then count as fast skimmer to unload troops then hit on normal ballistic skill.
Fliers get a 5+ evade when shot at by other flyers example given has Ork fighter pull out of battle for a turn then automatically comes back next turn no reserves roll.

Troops in a transport that is flying and is shot out of sky all take a strength 10 hit no saves allowed wow but makes sense really.

Mentions a land raider being a beast can fire one weapon at combat speed then another due to machine spirit then says and can snap fire the assault cannon and pintle multi Melta unsure if this as bs1 like over watch

When charging multiple units you lose your bonus attack for charging and both units can over watch fire at you.

Overwatch shooting a flamer gives you d3 automatic hits cool.

An example says the entire daemon army causes fear

I know it has been mentioned before but terminators gave example of only having their armor beaten by power fists , axes ... At the risk of getting shouted out by the eldar banshees are no good anymore crowd I like the idea power weapons now ap3 mind you it does not say that but this implies something of the sort. Termies die to weight of fire and with rapid firing on the move at max range looks like there will be no shortage of that. Power weapons will still kill power armor that is heavy infantry. Ducks projectiles

Gives example of dreadnought being stunned so can only snap fire needing 6's to hit

Closest models die first

Buy terrain fortifications fortress of redemption in the 220's bastion in the 120's can upgrade with guns o comms array

3rd trailer for 6th ed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Further 6th ed rumours

- Hull Points are in, it is stated that Ghost Arks, Land Raiders, and Defilers each have 4 Hull Points apiece. Necrons have the ability to strip hull points for each roll of a 6 to penetrate/glance vehicles, making rapid-firing gauss weaponry very powerful at removing armour.

- Speaking of rapid fire, you can indeed move and fire once up to the full range of the weapon (it is explicitly stated that Fire Warriors can fire their weapons up to 30" away), no confirmation on the 3x fire for Relentless at half range though.

- Assault moves are indeed 2d6", but added together. Units equipped with jump packs can re-roll the dice to see how far they charge.

- The Rage USR gives you +2 attacks on the charge

- All flying monstrous creatures have the ability to fly 24", doing something called a "Vector Strike", which is a certain amount of automatic hits to a unit they fly over, at the base strength of the creature.

- Monstrous creatures' attacks are explicitly AP 2

- Every army must select a "Warlord" or single general to lead the army, this leader gets an ability. They can choose between three different types of abilities, "Personal", "Inspirational" or "Strategic". They then roll on one of those charts to see what ability it is. The two examples given were a Grand Master giving all friendlies within 12" his Ld of 10 (Inspirational), and a Chaos Lord being a scoring unit (Personal, the ability itself was called "Immovable Object")

- Flyers are a specific type of unit, and it is somewhat unclear as to the rules for shooting at them. Either all units require a 6 to hit them (unless they have a special rule called Skyfire), or this is still the case but only if those flyers move flat-out. Monstrous creatures with the ability to Fly also get this "6-to-hit" rule.

- You have the ability to buy different terrain (it even has its own slot on the new FOC), e.g, you can buy a Bastion with a Quad-Gun (which has the aforementioned Skyfire USR). There seem to be quite a few options for what terrain you can buy, but naturally most of them are typically represented by terrain kits GW sells.

- Now we're on the topic of the FOC, the rules for allies weren't laid out specifically, but it is heavily implied that its not the same as in WHFB. They refer to allied units as "Detachments", and there is an example of a player with a Chaos Space Marine force having some detachments of Chaos Daemons in his army. Basically, I was given the impression that it is far more common (and frequent) for a detachment from another 40k army to join a larger one, than it is for a Fantasy army to have Allies. Think more along the lines of the Storm of Magic rules for using TK, VC, or Daemons.

- Here's a biggie: Units -can- go on Overwatch, giving them the ability to fire upon an enemy unit which charges them, but at BS 1. Eldar (and any other army with access to the Clairvoyance psychic power set) can use a psychic power to give a unit the ability to fire at their usual BS.

- Monstrous Creatures have access to a special "Smash" attack, allowing them to halve their attacks, but double their strength. It mentions that this gives them the ability to destroy tanks more easily.

- It's somewhat hinted that AP will have some kind of affect against vehicles. This is because part of the Munitorum dice set includes vehicle damage dice. It specifies that some of the dice are "AP 1, AP 2, and AP 3 Damage dice", or something to that effect.

- 4 Disciplines of Psychic powers, basically what we were thinking in terms of Clairvoyance, Biomancy, etc etc. There's a chart near the back of the WD detailing which (if any) psychic disciplines a particular army gains access to. It's interesting to see that a large amount of armies don't have access to any at all.

- Land Speeders have the special rule "Jink", which gives them a 5+ save all the time, this changes to 4+ if they go flat out. (I'm reasonably sure all fast skimmers get this, I'm not sure whether it's a USR or just a quality Fast Skimmers get)

-Also,models are taken from the front when they're shot. Or, to put it another way, when a unit gets shot at, models from the part of the unit closest to the firer are removed first.

New pics leaked - 40K 6th Ed

New pics from Dakka... guess we now know what that WD spine will look like (3rd pic)...

Servo-skull measuring tape pretty crazy... but I dig the nifty dice.....

How to make a posable contemptor dreadnought

More 6th ed. rules rumours

Some more for thought:

Courtesy of a friend from Games Workshop who has spent time with the Warhammer 40k 6th Edition rulebook. We (manager of my LGS) sent him a list of questions and these were his answers. Alot of IDK's, but some good stuff in there too.

Did the Force Org chart change?

No, the force org has not changed. It is still 1 HQ and 2 Troops. 3 Fast Attack, 3 Elites, 3 Heavy Support. Although, allies allows you in certain situati...ons to to add an HQ from another army and 1 Troop. You also, once you have satisfied the minimums can take 1 Fast, 1 Elite and 1 Heavy for you allies also. After your list is 2,000 pts, it appears you can double the Force Org chart. So up to four HQ with allies.

Is there pre-measuring for actions? (which ones?)

Pre-measure anytime and anywhere.

What AP are: Chain Swords, Power Swords, Power Fists, Chain Fists, Thunder Hammers?

I do not know.

Cover Save for: Buildings, Ruins, Area Terrain (trees and whatnot)?

Cover saves seem less forgiving. I would expect less, I know being in woods or trees is now 5+. Also, if you have (Example) 4 guys that are not in terrain. I, being the shooting player, can target just those guys that are not in cover. I have no opportunity to kill the guys in cover although. Interesting.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to make a fully posable dreadnought

This is how it should be done, cuz this style is identical to none...

Deathwatch WIP for 40K role play

Making a SM conversion for the Deathwatch Role Play.I can tell you it's fun to make it into true-scale and it's also my 1st true-scale marine. Basically, this one still using my own SM chapter :Lion Custodian. I get some ideas to convert this model base-on the character setting from Halo: Reach.The hardest part of this conversion is to re-position all the parts and make the pose look cool. It's almost 90% finished. The thing remain for this conversion is the blood drop shape gems on the leg, need to remove it because my chapter no need any Blood Angels symbol . Hope can finish it next few days.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Stormtalon – Ravenwing wip 4 (LED's wired up)

Spent the weekend trying to get some work done on the stormtalon. All washes, highlights, details are done being painted. Decals were applied with mr. marksofter then painted over the transparent edges to get rid of the gloss on the decal graphic. I walked over to some guys digging a hole for road maintenance and scooped up some sand. I swear they gave me the oddest look. With that I managed to base my stand. Added a bit of GW 40k architecture to the base to give it more feel. Techmarine pilot was done up along with the cockpit. I wired up a red micro LED to give it the low light illuminations mimicking those of real gunships. Will be working on some battle damage next before I matte spray the whole model. Stay tuned! I'll be working on highlighting and detailing up an oldravening wing army I bought as an ongoing log.

Stormtalon – Ravenwing wip 3

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Necrons vs Dark Angels (dual-wing)

1,500pts (seize ground – 4 objectives, DOW)


- Overlord (Tachyon Arrow, Resurrection Orb)
- Cryptek (Veil of Darkness – that’s the one allowing him and his unit to teleport yes?) – proxied with an Immortal
- 30 Immortals (all Tesla carbines) – all proxied with Necron Warriors
- 5 Scarabs bases
- 1 Spyder
- 2 Stalkers (Heat Ray) – one proxied with a FW Tomb Stalker
- 2 Doomsday Arks – proxied with Ghost Arks

Dark Angels:

- Sammael on Landspeeder
- 2 Ravenwing Attack Squadron (sergeant w/ power weapon, two plasma guns, AB w/ multi-melta, Landspeeder w/ heavy bolter & assault cannon) – 2 of 4 plasma guns proxied with melta-gun & flamer. Since I only have 10 bikes painted (3rd edition allowed squadron of 5 bikers) we agreed each squadron essentially had an 'extra' wound
- Deathwing Terminators (storm bolters, assault cannon, chain-fist)
- Deathwing Terminators (THSS, LCs, CML)


One unit of Ravenwing deploys on my west flank while Sammael took up position along the center, rest stayed in reserve.  My opponent decided to bring his whole army to the table on turn one.  Ravenwing squad scouted 12” towards the middle.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Query: Subspecies Tervigon

Accessing File: 58694
Date: 0736998.M41
Subject: Species Record - Xenos/Tyranid/Tervigon
Rating: Caucus Theta
Ref: Inquisitor Kryptman; Inquisitor Czevak; Munitorum Strategic Intelligence Collective 827/II

Louis' 1st Legion: Dark Angels (3rd Company)

Hi everyone, I've decided to pop my "SNS cherry" by starting my first project log showcasing a DA Tactical Squad I salvaged from an unfortunate encounter with a can of GW Purity Seal on a humid day back in September 2011. I had finished my first squad, applied the water transfers properly and wanted to seal them and make sure the decals will sit tight.  What ended up happening was that all my marines ended up all fogged up as the Purity Seal overly matted them all.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to paint Tyranids quickly and effectively

For me, the main criteria when painting a horde army was to use a simple but effective painting technique which would allow me to plough thorough tons of models quickly and end up with a decent looking army for the table top by the end of it all.

I decided to go with natural looking colours for my Tyranids as I wasn't a fan of the bright, garish colours of the main hive fleets. Anyway, I'll dive right in:

Colours: Ushabti Bone, Castellan Green, Elysian Green and Reikland Fleshshade. There are other colours that can be used for specific details and a few extra colours for those models with a little more variation in their design but these four are the main ones used to paint every single Tyranid model from the Ripper swarms up to the Trygons.

Step by step below:

Query: subspecies Hive Tyrant

Accessing File: 0019921
Date: 0736998.M41
Subject: Species Record - Xenos/Tyranid/Hive Tyrant
Rating: Caucus Theta
Ref: Inquisitor Kryptman; Inquisitor Czevak; Munitorum Strategic Intelligence Collective 827/II

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tin cans but with less tin


Warhammer 30,000 rumour

quote Kurgan the Lurker:
BoLS picked up on it as well and posted about it from the Warseer thread:

We've been saying for years that one way or another, Games Workshop would bring the Horus Heresy to the tabletop. Here's the latest word:

via Warseer's every reliable Harry

I can be more specific ....
There are three Heresy books coming .... the first one later this year.
...and yes you are quite right there are some big and exciting things coming with them.

This is in reference to Forgeworld, and is said to occur after the next IA book which has already been announced. There was talk for years that within the company there were ardent opponents of the Heresy ever making an appearance on the tabletop as it might fragment the playerbase. So something fundamental must have changed if Forgeworld got the greenlight

6th Edition release details/rumours

From Darnoks Birdy on Warseer:

The £45 Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook is your essential guide to playing atmospheric battles in the 41st Millennium. It helps you field majestic armies of Citadel miniatures across the war-ravaged battlefields of the far-future, in the ultimate contest of strategy and skill.

With 440 full-colour pages, this hardback Rulebook is packed with rich background and contains all the rules for fighting pulse-pounding tabletop battles. The Rulebook includes exciting features such as dynamic close-combat, flyers, psychic devastation and interactive scenery. As well as jaw-dropping artwork, contained within is a history of the 41st Millennium and a richly detailed guide to the races and weapons of the far-future. It also features a comprehensive hobby section to set you on the path to choosing, collecting and building your own Warhammer 40,000 army of Citadel miniatures.

One of the many exciting features of Warhammer 40,000 is Psychic devastation, where Psykers wreak havoc on the battlefield. Psychic Powers is the complete set of Psychic cards, which be used in conjunction with Psychic Disciplines. They make a great accessory to your tabletop games.

This £8 set contains 35 large-format cards and come stored in a plastic fan-opening case, which bears the Aquila. There are 7 cards for each Psychic Discipline, each of which is represented by distinct artwork. There is also an instruction leaflet that classifies which powers can be used by the main Psykers in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

There are also "Munitorum Templates" (£12, designed with a metal effect look), "Munitorum Tape Measure" (£10, looking like a Servoskull) and "Munitorum Dice" (£10, while stocks last).

Fighting Necrons with Blood Angels

With the massive amounts of new necron models, fighting necron enemies is somewhat of a growing trend. I experienced my first defeat last Friday… Yesterday I played the same opponent with the exact same list he defeated.

My initial thoughts on this army – Lots of AV13 and they can dish out some serious fire power. As of now, the bane of my blood angels are the necron stalkers which grants everything shooting at the same target the twin linked special rule as long as the stalker itself scores a hit (no need to wound). In this case, a full assault squad can be whittled down even with a sanguinary priest embedded into the unit far too easily. Imagine doomsday cannons’ & monoliths’ throwing out large pies with rerolls if they scatter off!

In any case, trying to outshoot the necrons is difficult to say the least. Therefore I’ve opted to use a “decent of angels” army to combat this. Get in their face as quick as possible so that you sustain less shooting and CQC these robots to death… I’ve also found it very useful to fill up all troops slot since necrons will eat vehicles very easily with the scarabs and with so much shooting coming at you, having your maximum troops slots makes it a bit more forgiving.

The biggest hint I can offer is “target priority”… That said the first unit to kill are the stalkers. With them out of the equation, it becomes much easier to dissect this army. Secondly, take a good mix of power weapons and powerfists or thunder hammers. A lot of necron units have AV13… anything short of a melta gun or a powerfist simply cannot hurt it. Versus necron infantry, take power weapons or lightning claws to kill as many as possible. I’ve had space wolf grey hunters struggling to deal with the regenerating necrons. The necrons are tough!!!

Thirdly, necrons are highly mobile… Their units can teleport or walk out of portals. Chances are they can somehow slip through a charging line of assault units. When that happens, necrons can quickly grab objectives or just kite you around. To counter this, I take 2 vindicators with overlapping arcs of fire to cover each other towards the back of the board ready to blow up whatever that slips through. Weapons with large pie plates are great because when teleporting or exiting a portal, necrons need to be packed close together. “say hello to my little friend”

Monday, June 11, 2012

Stormtalon – Ravenwing wip 2

Managed to get a most of the basic color on along with a some washes. At first when I thought of painting black, I wasn't too sure as I always thought black looks kinda dull on small models. But actually, there's a fair amount of detail to this small little model. I know a lot of folks out there aren't really digging this design but I'm already growing to love it. My bet is that this unit will def. be included into the upcoming dark angels codex for the ravenwing. That being a high possibility, I can imagine doing a whole lot of conversions to include them into my growing DA army.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Query: subspecies 'Stonecrusher' Carnifex

Accessing File: 57493
Date: 0736998.M41
Subject: Species Record - Xenos/Tyranid/Carnifex/subspecies 'Stonecrusher'
Rating: Caucus Theta
Ref: Inquisitor Kryptman; Inquisitor Czevak; Munitorum Strategic Intelligence Collective 827/II

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dark Angels - 3rd battle company WIP

Part of my 3rd battle company of my Dark Angels army are in the newer mark armors. After the destruction of Caliban, many of the forces loyal to the primarch Lion El Jonson suffered terrible loses against their own Calabanite kin. These veterans have been tested in battle so much so that some of their power armor is beyond repairable. As Dark Angels adhere to traditions in the most orthodox manners, these battle brothers have no choice but to don the less ornamental modern power armor. These models are part of the first warhammer models I have ever painted. Thats why the texture seems a bit rough... They've been repainted over atleast 3 times over the years.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stormtalon – Ravenwing wip 1

I really like the idea of aerial units as an addition to the game. I know at this point, aside from the space marine codex, no other marine armies can use these units. Since I’ve been collecting dark angels since I first got into the hobby, I’ve amassed a fair amount of ravenwing as well. I can proxy these models in for a white scars army.